Some good. Some awful. Some just blissful things have happened.
Let's focus on the good.
My career is back on more ways then one.
I decided to not talk too much on here about what I will now be taking on, for fear of jinxing it (no just kidding) but really I want to try and keep that part a bit private for now until I feel comfortable divulging.
I know this is going to sound cliche, BUT I have seriously never been happier in my life.
I have a wonderful man that makes me giddy with happiness, sure we aren't perfect and have had some obstacles these past almost six months now but I am just so blessed to have someone that I found that loves me the way he does and makes me anticipate our future life together being one of much love and just pure joy.
Just a few of the things my boyfriend does that make me feel like the luckiest girl....
- He calls me beautiful every single day.
- He cooks for me, without me asking him to...I mean yes he's a professional chef but even if he works all day he always makes sure I have something delicious to eat...oh and he let's me try out new recipes on him and always tells me what an awesome job I did and how much he loved my dish.
-He calls me cute nicknames...that no one else would ever get besides us.
-He texts me even when he is busy running an event, just to say hi or calls me on a quick break to let me know he's thinking of me.
-He watches Dancing with the Stars and Pretty Little Liars with me...and he gets into it (sorry babe haha).
-He helps me bring in whatever I have in my car from going shopping or moving items, even if he's had a long day.
-He will go and hang out with my friends just because they want to meet him, and say how much he enjoyed whatever we did.
-He takes time to get to know my family and also makes me feel included with his important.
-He shares my love now of USF Bulls football and he taught me all about his team the Tampa Bay Lightning...:-)
-He let's me plan activities for his kids when they come visit us and makes me feel even more included when they are around.
-He let's me help design/ decorate our place and always tells me what an awesome job I did on something as small as hanging a photo up.
-He loves to take selfies with me #letstakeanotherselfie
-He speaks in hashtags with me over text, about the most ridiculous things. #weareridiculous
-He and I can talk for hours and just laugh till it hurts.
-He jokes around with me and we can be goofy together, even in front of others his laugh is contagious.
and last but not least...
-He makes me feel like the most important girl in the world and loved every day..I couldn't truly ask for anything better in life.
*Coming up next time on the blog I will share photos and details from our first ever dinner party we hosted this past weekend!*