Tuesday, October 21, 2014

In a blink....

I know I have been pretty absent on this blog lately but it's been for a good reason.

Up until about a month ago I thought I had it all figured out, new job, things were going well and life was pretty darn good.

About two weeks ago that all changed in a blink. 

I was in a pretty bad car accident and without going into details I am very lucky to be alive and my outlook on life has changed. 

I totaled my car, so having to find a new car now and my career is once again going into another direction.

I have to thank especially my parents, sister, boyfriend and best friend for being my rocks throughout this whole thing. 

This year has been full of surprises, both good and bad.

Learning how to grow and learn through mistakes and learning through experiences has been my challenge but I am getting there.

So thank you to everyone that has been keeping track of my crazy ever changing life and my wish is for more of a stability leading into 2015.

I know I can do it and I'm very able so let's tackle this thing called life with eyes wide open.
